Talisman announce large oil find in Colombia
BOGOTA, Dec 9 (Reuters) Colombian state owned oil company Ecopetrol and Canada Talisman Energy Inc said on Monday they had discovered an estimated 1.3 billion barrels of oil in southeastern Colombia and canada goose black friday sale that about a tenth of it was likely to be recoverable.
The cheap Canada Goose announcement was canada goose coats the second in Canada Goose online a week for Ecopetrol and an important addition to the diminishing reserves the country has been urgently trying to boost. The Andean nation also expects to eventually exploit shale oil and gas.
Proven reserves buy canada goose jacket cheap of Canada Goose sale the Castilla blend heavy crude with API gravity of 2018 canada goose outlet 8 to 9 degrees are currently 35 million barrels, online website Ecopetrol said. That is roughly five weeks worth of production in Colombia, which produces about 1 million barrels per day.
Ecopetrol owns a 55 percent stake in the Akacias area, which covers about 5 percent of the total area of the CPO 09 block in Meta province, while Toronto listed Talisman owns 45 percent. The companies hope to reach output of 25,000 barrels per day by 2015, up from around canada goose clearance 5,500 barrels now, and 50,000 barrels by 2020.
is a significant discovery. that I think will be canadian goose jacket beneficial to canada goose store both our companies, said Talisman Chief Executive Officer Hal Kvisle. are significant reserves that can be booked at the proven level but also at the resource level.
He said canada goose outlet toronto factory the oil reserves were a welcome Canada Goose Coats On Sale addition to the company portfolio, which in North America was focused on gas.
Ecopetrol canada goose outlet store locations Bogota traded shares rose 0.6 percent to 4,125 pesos ($2.13) in midmorning trading, while Toronto listed Talisman dipped 0.7 percent to Canada Goose Parka C$12.45.
Kvisle said the companies canada goose had applied for environmental Canada Goose Outlet licensing for Akacias, a process he expected to take nine to 12 months.
Nine wells have been drilled in Akacias so far, Ecopetrol said.
SYNERGIES FOR ECOPETROL Boosting diminishing reserves of crude oil, which stood at around 2.38 billion barrels in 2012, has been a priority for Colombia.
On Thursday, Ecopetrol said it had discovered crude in the Cano Sur Este block, which it owns in full, with proven reserves of 22.4 million barrels.
The location of the Akacias oil canada goose coats on sale find would offer synergies because it is buy canada goose jacket near the company most important producing areas, which yield about a quarter of its Canada Goose Jackets oil, Ecopetrol said in a filing to the securities regulator.
is one of the biggest exploration successes Canada Goose Online in recent years in Colombia, and clearly shows the potential of heavy crudes in the Llanos Orientales area, the focus of Ecopetrol exploration campaign, CEO Javier Gutierrez Pemberthy said in the filing.
The company plans canadagooseonlineshop to spend $75 billion by 2020 to increase oil and gas production to 1.3 million barrels canada goose replica of oil equivalent per day from output of nearly 1 million boed canada goose deals in recent months.
The FARC canada goose clearance sale and the government have been in peace talks initiated a year ago by President Juan Manuel Santos. Progress has been slow, but a deal would make it easier and less expensive to explore more territory for oil.