That’s the description that keeps cropping up one bright Sunday in January, when amused passersby stop to watch the UCLA Quidditch Team scrimmage on the campus’ intramural field. Players are running around with brooms between their legs, pelting each other with rubber balls and trying to throw what looks like a volleyball through one of three hoops. There’s full body contact as players try to wrestle the volleyball from each other’s grasp and, in the process, knock each other to the ground.
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Was just so gratifying. It was like having your son up there and being a part of it, said Mariota high school head football coach Darnell Arceneaux. Couldn happen to a better young man and family that deserves all the credit, but he be the first one to point the finger to everyone else and thank them.
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Governor Jesse Ventura’s remarks about religion in his Playboy magazine interview have sparked a strong reaction from Minnesota voters. Statewide, 86% disagree with Ventura’s statement that “organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak minded people who need strength in numbers,” while only 10 percent agree with him. A sizeable majority (73 percent) feel the remark about religion was inappropriate..
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