A different point of view
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canada goose coats on sale Third, you can put all the canada goose outlet edmonton money you want into old historic hall and it won’t fit the needs of our canada goose parka uk city government. Contrary to the opinion some people have voiced, keeping old historic hall open downtown won’t help bring citizens downtown. If you tour small communities that have a thriving downtown, it is mostly restaurants, coffee shops, bars, gift shops, etc. Brick and mortar shopping is still struggling all across the country. People are finding internet shopping to be cheaper and easier. It’s sad but a reality. Of course it doesn’t help that the interstate is six blocks from the downtown area. Visitors pulling off the interstate for gas, food or to spend the night don’t go for a stroll down our main street. FM is growing but not in the manner to bring businesses into the downtown area. Even our local paper is no longer printed here. canada goose coats on sale
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